What a shame: A tale of multiple Hollywoods

Without a doubt, this year’s Oscar ceremony will go down in history, as „Parasite“ is the first non-English language film in the 92-year history of the Academy Awards to win the Oscar for best film. Nevertheless, this fact cannot hide the fact that women and different ethnicities, despite the far-reaching changes made by the Academy four years ago after the #oscarssowhite protest, do not appear in this Hollywood story. Recently,

The next junction: Film festivals in Baden-Württemberg establish a joint network

Corresponding to the development that „due to the steady decline in cinema numbers and the increase in streaming services, film festivals are becoming ever more important and playing an ever greater role in the film landscape“, the film festivals of another federal state in Germany have now joined forces. In doing so, they are not least following the initiative of a Germany-wide working group on film festivals, which was initiated

It is still along way to go for festivals to reach parity

Even though the four major film festivals Sundance, Tribeca, South by Southwest (SXSW) and AFI seem to be making progress towards gender parity for directors, the Women’s Media Center (WMC) – the nonprofit women’s organization founded by activists Jane Fonda, Robin Morgan, and Gloria Steinem – still sees a great need for action to reach 5050×2020 / for numerous film festivals, as an analysis by Carla Hay shows. See more

Female directors still represent just 21% of all directors of European films produced between 2003 and 2017

At the end of last year, the 5th Diversity Report of the BVR – Bundesverband Regie had made it clear that in Germany the public broadcasters had not fulfilled their promises of equal opportunities for female directors and that the announced gender monitoring had not been carried out. A study by the European Audiovisual Observatory recently published shows how the situation for women is shaping itself at European level. Download

Compliance with minimum social standards becomes the criterium for public funding of film festivals – blessing or a curse?

In its coalition agreement, the government of the German federal state of Hessen has set itself the goal of doubling its budget to support Hessian film festivals. This increase is, however, contingent upon these festivals’ commitment to abide by social standards in the remuneration of their employees. What, on the one hand, seems more than laudable in an area largely characterized by a precarious employment situation could, on the other,

Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Filmfestivals in Deutschland gegründet/ Working group of film festivals founded in Germany

Bei einem ersten Zusammentreffen am 4. Juli in Kassel haben sich über 60 deutsche Filmfestivals (Liste sie Pressemitteilung) zusammengetan, eine Arbeitsgemeinschaft (AG) Filmfestival zu gründen. Ziel der AG ist es, sich untereinander zu vernetzen, bessere Bedingungen für Filmfestivals in Deutschland zu schaffen und gemeinsam mit den Filmschaffenden und anderen Verbänden Filmkultur zu stärken und zu fördern. Zu den Gründungsmitgliedern zählen die größten und ältesten Filmfestivals in Deutschland, Filmfestivals aus allen

Aufruf an die Leiter*innen deutscher Filmfestivals

Auf Initiative von Svenja Böttger (Leiterin des Filmfest Max Ophüls Preis) und Dr. Lars Henrik Gass (Leiter der Internationalen Oberhauser Kurzfilmtage) wurde eine AG Filmfestivals ins Leben gerufen. Ziel der AG ist es, entsprechend der filmwirtschaftlichen sowie filmpolitischen Bedeutung der deutschen Filmfestivallandschaft eigene Positionen zu formulieren und diese bspw. auch bei der Novellierung des Filmfördergesetzes einzubringen. Darüber hinaus soll die Vernetzung auch einen stärkeren Austausch ermöglichen und weitere  Themen wie