DOK.fest Munich launches its own DOK-Online-platform

In line with the trend among numerous European film festivals to establish their own distribution activities and/or initiate VOD offerings, DOK.fest Munich has now also created its own VOD service. „With our new, year-round activity DOK.fest @home Selection, we want to make the valuable films we present during the festival moreover accessible to our audience nationwide and as barrier-free as possible. The demand for these films during and after the

City of Heidelberg develops concept for local cinema and film festival structure

Following the example of the film concept of the state of BW and with the participation of local cinema and film actors, Dr. Morticia Zschiesche was commissioned by the city of Heidelberg to conduct a situation and potential analysis for the preservation and further development of Heidelberg’s cinema and film festival landscape. With a view to the quality of cinema and film culture as cultural places of democracy and participation,

Film Festival Max Ophüls Prize co-initiates New German Talent Forum – Think Tank for the Promotion of Young Filmmakers (Sept. 2022)

With the aim to rethink the promotion of talent in German film, television and streaming and to develop solutions for a more sustainable and multi-layered talent promotion, 65 talents and institution representatives met in September 2022 at the invitation of the initiators Filmfestival Max Ophüls Preis, Kuratorium junger deutscher Film and in cooperation with Produzentenverband e.V. at the 1st Forum Talentfilm , to develop new forms and ways of cooperation.

From Culture for Culture: Tips for Saving Energy

From museums to independent theaters, from libraries to cinemas, from concert halls to archives, all cultural institutions currently face the same challenges around the energy crisis. Film festivals, which can be found in cinemas as well as in theaters, in museums and in community halls, will find here valuable suggestions for saving energy from the cultural sector for practical use.A collection of various recommendations for action in German can be

No evidence of Nazi-ideological programming in the early Berlinale years

Two years ago, after the media revealed the proximity of the first Berlinale director Alfred Bauer to the Nazi regime, the Berlinale management not only suspended the 2020 prize named after him, but also commissioned a study on the Alfred Bauer case.The study, written by Dr. Wolf-Rüdiger Knoll and Dr. Andreas Malycha on behalf of the Institute of Contemporary History Munich-Berlin, on the role of Alfred Bauer, in the Reichsfilmintendanz,

A girl walks alone … Sitges expands an initiative to promote women in the genre.

Female filmmakers in the fantastic are still considered rare phenomena and unintentionally leave the field of the genres of terror, science fiction, action or thriller to the male creators. To break these social as well as cultural patterns and to rethink the role of the WomanInFan has therefore made it its goal to break these social and cultural patterns and to strengthen the role of female filmmakers in the fantasy

A number of discussion events focus on the crisis of cinema at the Leipzig Film Art Fair (in German)

Die großen Herausforderungen, denen sich das Kino neben seiner strukturellen Krise all den weiteren Bedrohungen wie einer Herbst-Corona-Welle, den explodoierenden Energiekosten, dem gewandelten Publikumsverhalten stellen muss, stehen im zentrum zahlreicher Diskussionsveranstaltungen auf der Filmkunstmesse Leipzig, die zeitgleich kostenlos auch online begeleitet werden. Darunter finden sich:Panel: Investition in die Zukunft: Energiesparmaßnahmen im Kino finanzierenam Dienstag 20.09.22, um 12:00 bis 13:30 UhrPeter Dinges (Vorstand der FFA)Konrad Nickel (Energieberater des GIH)Christian Pfeil (Kinobetreiber

Hauptverband Cinephilie publishes position paper on film education

While educational work on art and culture in Germany is largely one of the tasks of „cultural institutions (theaters, museums, orchestras …) and educational institutions (schools, universities, music schools, etc. …), film education to date is largely based on the commitment of film and cinema activists, often at municipal cinemas, non-profit film institutions and film festivals. The accompanying desideratum is all the more apparent since „the 20th and early 21st

Expert on cinema structure in MV calls for continuation of special federal fund for cultural events

Against the background of rapidly rising costs not only in the context of the energy crisis, Fabian Liebenow, responsible for Strategic Cinema Planning at FILMLAND MV, emphasizes, „The energy crisis hits the cinemas completely through no fault of their own. They continue to be strongly affected economically by the pandemic. (…) Now they are in a situation that, without government support from the state and federal government, will ensure that

Cultural institutions such as movie theaters face temporary closures due to energy savings

According to the President of the German Association of Districts, District Administrator Reinhard Sager, it is to be expected that the burden on municipalities due to the sharp rise in gas and electricity prices will lead to severe cuts in voluntary services such as the financing and promotion of culture and voluntary initiatives. Olaf Zimmermann, executive director of the German Cultural Council, states: „If we don’t counteract this, we’re heading