21 million euros for mobility of cultural workers

The Commission, in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut, promotes the mobility of artists and cultural workers. The corresponding agreement provides for a budget of 21 million euros. Over a period of three years, up to 7000 grants are to be awarded; it is the largest EU-funded measure for individual artists to date. For more information see here.

Film festivals and world sales – Signing of Memorandum of Understanding and Guide of Good Practices

Against the background of the intensive interaction between the film festival sector and the world sales companies, the Network Europa Film Festivals and the World Sales Association Europa International have for the first time developed a guide of good practices, which describes the responsibilities as well as the services of both parties in more detail and which will also serve as a manual for the daily work in the future.The

New Network of European Film Festivals

After the regrettable end of the Coordination of European Film Festivals, a new association of European Film Festivals was founded (already working together since 2020). Originating from the project of the Capital of Culture Galway 2020 called „Peripheral Visions“, it still consists just of 12 member festivals. The aim of the network is to promote the exchange of information, strategies and styles of interaction between festivals. With a commitment to

Independent cinema production landscape in the UK under extreme pressure

On behalf of BFI, an analysis by Alma Economics was recently published that paints a bleak picture of the independent cinema production landscape in the UK.The study identifies three drivers in particular that are putting independent cinema producers under extreme pressure: Firstly, the steadily decreasing revenues from theatrical exploitation as well as the home entertainment market, the significantly increased costs due to the corona measures for filming and the shortage

Success concepts for the cinema of today from the CinemaVision Conference

After the future conference CinemaVision 2030 of the three German cinema associations HDF Kino e.V., AG Kino – Gilde deutscher Filmkunsttheater e.V. and BkF Bundesverband kommunale Filmarbeit e.V. im Juni in Berlin, the recordings of the contributions of the international speakers as well as the panel discussions have now been made available online. Numerous best practice examples from Europe, the USA and China provide valuable insights into special concepts for

Curating in times of war – One sees films with a pathos that justifies a war that cannot be justified.

The Cottbus film festival is regarded as one of the most important festivals of East European Cinema worldwide. In an interview, artistic director Bernd Buder outlines the responsible role of film festivals, especially in times of a changing political climate, and offers insights into his curatorial work today defined by the ongoing war: „As a festival, we always say we don’t just celebrate cinema, but cinema is also an instrument

Safe the date: May 11 – 13, 2022 Second Congress Future German Film

After the fruitful first congress Future of German Film in 2018, the LICHTER Filmfest illuminates the future and perspectives of German and European film and cinema culture together with numerous filmmakers and representatives of the film industry as well as film politics from all over Europe at their second edition in Frankfurt. Various events in cooperation with the AG DOK, the VG Bild-Kunst and the Bundesverband Regie e.V., as well

Safe the date: June 24 – 26, 2022 Symposium Cinema of Commoning in Berlin

With the project Cinema of Commoning the collective around SINEMA TRANSTOPIA organizes another initiative for the discussion around and the new conception of cinema in the transnational society. The international event will kick off with screenings of collectively curated programs from March 31 – June 23, 2022 in Bangkok, Berlin, Cluj, Dubai, Jakarta, Luanda, Istanbul, Santiago de Chile. Accompanied by discussions, these will finally culminate in a three-day symposium in

Forbidden: Standstill – Imperative: Progress

Rarely have crisis situations brought to light such different positions as the pandemic in the field of the film and cinema industry. During the opening conference of the Week of Criticism on the occasion of the Berlinale, the tension between a new beginning with unlimited fantasies of progress and an upholding and rethinking of lived routines up to activism was examined more closely by means of lectures and panels.

Success course of paid-VoD-services unstoppable

It certainly came as no surprise to anyone that the paid-VoD market continued to post growth rates in 2021. An increase of 25 percent, as evidenced by a study conducted by Goldmedia on behalf of the FFA, should have once again demonstrated the extent and seriousness of the disruptive shifts. But it’s hardly surprising when you consider that only the versatile digital offerings of film festivals provided an alternative to